Laura Abba

Country: Italy
Email: laura.abba [at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Laura Abba

Laura Abba has been a Technical Executive and Educator at IIT-CNR (the National Research Council in Italy) since April 1984. The organization carries out research and assessment in Information and Communication Technologies, Computational Sciences, and issues related to the growth of the internet and its services.[1][2][1]

As of ICANN 54 in Dublin, she has been to over ten ICANN Meetings, and has also attended IGF and IETF.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Laura Abba, Retrieved 2015 October 30.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 54 Dublin Intake Form. Retrieved 2015 October 30.