Javier Rua-Jovet

Affiliation: ALAC
Country: Puerto Rico
ICANNLogo.png Currently a member
of ICANN's ccNSO

Javier Rua-Jovet is a former Puerto Rican public servant and telecoms regulator and currently focuses on public-interest, legal and government affairs.


Rua-Jovet was initially in the field of natural resources, environmental and energy issues, and now also focuses on ICTs in general & ICT4D.

  • President/CEO of JRJ Consultants & Legal Services, LLC (2017-)
  • Chairman of Telecommunications Regulatory Board of Puerto Rico (2013-2017)
  • Vice-Chair and Chair of REGULATEL (2013-2016)
  • Private legal practice (2009-2012)
  • Chairman of Environmental Quality Board of Puerto Rico (2008)
  • Undersecretary of Natural and Environmental Resources of Puerto Rico (2004)

ICANN Involvement

Rua-Jovet has been an ALAC member for North America Region and is currently on the ccNSO Council.

Involvement in Internet Governance

Originally as Chair of REGULATEL (Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators), an observer organization at GAC, now ALAC member for North America (NomCom selected). He established a formal MOU relationship between Latin American Regulators and ICANN, signed by former CEO/President Fadi Chehade. Also active within VirtualEduca, an Organization of American States program on Internet//education best practices and CANTO, the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Organizations.


  • BA, Boston College
  • JD, University of Puerto Rico School of Law
  • LL.M George Washington University