Hongbin Zhu

Hongbin Zhu - Portrait-2013.jpg
Hongbin Zhu - Caricature-2013.jpg
Country: China
Email: zhuhong@cnnic.cn
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Hongbin Zhu
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @weiveone

Hongbin Zhu has been the Senior International Strategist at CNNIC since 2011, where he has represented China in international International governance negotiations and has served as an adviser of domain name policies for the Chinese government's Internet administration. [1][2]

He has represented CNNIC in ICANN's ccNSO.[1]

From July 2010 to June 2011, Zhu was a Media Researcher for CTR Market Research. , and his education includes a Master of Science in Media and Communication from the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as a BA in Communication and English from Beijing Normal University.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANN 46 Interview. ICANNWiki. Retrieved 2013 May 5.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hongbin Zhu, LinkedIn. Retrieved 2013 May 5.