Jean Marie Altema

Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Haiti
Email: smart[at]
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   Jean Marie Altema
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
   Jean Marie Altema

Jean Marie Altema is the CEO of Smart IT Solutions, and a database and intranet consultant at Compassion International-Haiti.[1] He began Smart IT Solutions in 2011, and hopes to help create a professional community in Haiti.[2]

His background is in the private banking and financial sector, and prior to Smart IT Solutions he was a lead in the Research and Development Department of Capital Bank, Haiti.[3]

Mr. Altema studied Computer Science Engineering. He is involved in other international IT fora and IGF related activities outside of ICANN.[4]

Jean Marie Altema was interviewed by CNN following the catastrophic 2010 earthquake in Haiti, in the interview he discusses a video he had shot of the immediate aftermath.[5]
