Flavio Wagner

Country: Brazil
Email: flavio [at] inf.ufrgs.br

Flavio Rech Wagner is the Dean of the Institute of Informatics (Instituto de Informatica) of UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where he has been working since 1977. He has also been a Board Member of CGI.br since 2008.[1] Additionally, Flavio is a Researcher at the Embedded Systems Lab of UFRGS, where his research interests include adaptive MPSoC platforms, networks-on-chip, model-driven engineering of embedded systems and self-organizing systems.[2]

Wagner attended ICANN Singapore, which was his sixth ICANN meeting. He is a member of NCUC, and was the President of the Brazilian Computer Society from 1999 to 2003.[3]


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